Helping the Students of Kincaid Grow
Our mission is to provide resources to all Kincaid Elementary students so that they may receive a diverse, state-of-the-art education that fosters accelerated achievement through enhancements in curriculum, technology, and facilities.
Learn More About the Foundation and How You Can Help
Have You Donated to the Family Investment Campaign?
The Family Investment Campaign is the Foundation’s largest fundraiser throughout the school year. This campaign allows the Foundation to fund items early in the year. For example, many teachers submit their reimbursement requests early in the year. The Foundation provides reimbursement of up to $150 per teacher for out of pocket expenses they have incurred for classroom materials. This campaign provides funds to support these requests.
While we suggest a donation of $100 per student ($200 family max), a donation of any amount is appreciated. This year you also have the option to make a recurring monthly donation. This allows you to split up your donation into smaller installments.
Our Corporate Partners
Thank you to our corporate sponsors!
Team Work Makes
the Dream Work
Volunteers Needed!
The Foundation is a 100% volunteer run organization. Volunteering with us is a great way to get involved in your child’s school and learn more about the quality of their education. We are always looking for helpers to handle tasks big and small! We even have things you can do while sitting on your couch at night binge watching your favorite show!
Working Together
The Kincaid Foundation and PTA work together to streamline fundraising efforts at Kincaid. The Foundation supplies the PTA with a grant each year allowing them to advocate for students and engage families.